
Glow Wild at Beardsley Zoo

      We went to the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport, CT last night to see their Glow Wild exhibit. I had seen some advertisements for it, and it looked quite interesting, but there are not enough words to describe how incredible this actually is. It is one of those things you really need to see to get the full effect of. We had tickets for 7 pm, which was perfect, as it was just getting dark as we arrived. If you have kids, they won't care if it is still light out, they will be amazed even if it is still light, and it is easier to keep track of them.  If you take them and it's dark, I suggest buying glow necklaces for the entire family so you can easily find each other.  We went on a night when it was chilly and the day had been gloomy and spotty with rain, so that evening, not many people had pre-purchased tickets. This made perfect picture taking oppotunities for me so easy. I have not photoshopped any of these photos. This is how they came directly off the camera and are pretty